The size of the version 20H2 ISO is 5.8GB, which means you need to use a Wi-Fi or mobile connection with at least 6GB of bandwidth. You can also Windows 10 October 2020 Update offline installer to reinstall the OS by creating a USB flash drive with tools, such as Media Creation Tool.

This is because you can transfer the ISO files anywhere and the media file can be mounted in File Explorer itself. Windows 10 20H2 ISO files are best for you when you have multiple devices and you’re under a strict bandwidth limit. How to use Windows 10 October 2020 Update ISO file The download of the media images will start and you can close the developer window. Select 64-bit, but if you’re using a 32-bit system, you need to select the second option.Under ‘Select edition’, select ‘Windows 10 October 2020 Update’ and confirm.Without closing the advanced developer tool window, press CTRL + F5 to refresh the download page.When you select iPad, Microsoft will assume that you’re on an iPad and they’ll let you see the hidden download links. Under ‘User agent’ section, simply disable the automatic selection.Open Network Conditions pane by clicking on ‘More tools’.

How to download October 2020 Update ISO file